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How Compensation Works In An Idaho Personal Injury Case

By September 21, 2021April 21st, 2023One Comment

When someone else’s negligence causes you to suffer a serious injury in Idaho, you may look to that party to cover your medical and other expenses that arise as a result. Whether you are successful, and how successful you are, in your attempts to do so depends on several factors, including whether you were negligent in any way.

After a serious injury, you may want to pursue two distinct types of compensation. You may decide to pursue economic, or “special” damages. You may also decide to pursue non-economic damages.

Economic damages

Economic damages help you get back to the position you were in before your car crash, dog bite, fall or another type of incident that caused you your injuries. Economic damages might include those used for medical expenses, lost wages, and so on.

Non-economic damages

Non-economic damages refer to compensation you might receive for other, non-financial repercussions stemming from your incident. For example, you may be able to secure non-economic damages for pain and suffering. Determining how much you should receive for pain and suffering is difficult. Courts may consider the nature of your injuries and whether you suffered disfigurement, among other considerations, when deciding how much to award you for pain and suffering.

Idaho has limits when it comes to how much compensation you might receive in a personal injury case. For example, you may receive up to $250,00 for pain and suffering. Also, if a court or judge decides that you were at least 50% responsible for your injury, this prevents you from securing compensation from the other party.

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